
By: C.P. Singh, Editor-ICN Group 

PART: 14

Once a calamity came down so heavily on us that everything was forced to be closed . The owners could not get anything from their entrepreneurs hence they said or hinted their loyal work force to go away from their places of work till the system reopens fully . Workers seldom have their residential arrangements at their places of work . They live there temporarily , any how , and feed their dependents out of their earnings so fetched . Whatever the situation  dictates , everyone has to follow and life has to run accordingly . Even when everything halts , the life is said to be running .

Words can not describe the exact feeling of any heart , who has been told closure of all,

Unreachable distance of home , unbearable condition of food , and fully exhausted coins .

Who can console such helpless beings, so discarded by their subject matters , where to fall ?

Worn out they seem ,unaware for all , they think to go back to  their native places to join .  

When such workers are told one day , without any previous preparatory notice that the industry is going to be closed . This closure is for an indefinite period which can last long as well . Such workers became unsecure and jobless for that period at least .  They started their life on the residual portion of consumables. As soon as the things appeared exhausted , they started planning otherwise , because everything , everywhere is closed . They took very difficult and troublesome decision to walk on foot to their respective native places .

Indefinite closure of work , helpless halting in all , uncertainty looms on every aspect , one needs,

Jolted every intellect on the Earth , be they anywhere , anyhow , any means or even unconcerned .

What will they do? How will they earn? What will they eat, drink and live, or own dependents’ feeds ,

 When nothing seems clear , no stuff for tomorrow , endangered are they exhausting all they earned .  

Every Word Is Small To Describe This Migration 

A worker who has been told that there is no work for him to be done during this indefinite period of closure , losses faith , security and belongingness . This is a very challenging period in so many regards . This world will wish to write some or more details about the salient features of this period , some day . Then there must appear the cruel mention of these marching helpless several labourers . Ultimately they decided to go back and reunite with their families in native places . This decision to measure thousands of miles by their feet , that too without money and even empty stomach . Most of them are also accompanied by their families and young ones . 

A person leaves his home , reaches a place , where he perceives a work exists for him , to do ,

He does his best , he reaps a bit , feeds his dependents , survive they all , is the life they run .

A calamity strikes, it threatens the world, then closes everything, leaving nothing open to woo ,

 When there is no work , no food , no wages , no reason for them to live there , they plan to shun.


Mere planning is not sufficient , when distance is enormous and no any means of transport ,

Thousands of miles to go , thousands are persons in group , even ladies , kids and baggage . 

Exhausted are the beings’ vigor , finished are all coins , vanishing all eatables , had in support , 

Printing foot sweat on road , determined they march , posing as examples for the era and ages .

Death is ever mentioned as cruel and it comes anywhere anyway . Some workers walking on the roads in these circumstances did meet their brutal end . No human being ever takes any such dangerous journey on foot , so long , unless there are some compulsions . The pressures mounting on these marching miseries are troubling them as well as to the viewers . Even if anyone is helping with full might , it is not sufficient to be said as . No irrigation can serve better than rains anyway . Pain is not being removed , it is suppressed a bit by various doings . They are sad , they have pains , they represent calamity in themselves . Who can bring them out of this ocean of hazards ? 

Every one knows almost all points of natural principles , even then tears are there in and drain,

Who can bail them out of this natural punishment called calamity , and cure their hell of living root ? 

They have to live , they are on their way , they will win and reach their homes , It seems their gain,

When history is written , describing present scenario , there will be a big mention of millions on foot   

Who knows the exact trouble being caused to these  walking anguishes ? There are many persons on the roads who are offering drinking water , some food packets and also some cash to these troubled human beings . Villagers are there on the roadsides to offer water and solace to such saddened crowd . Several such helps are there from the sides of Government Bodies as well as from the Social workers . Everyone is sad seeing these human folks walking on the scorching sun trodden roads . Who so ever is around and in a reach to help , is really trying their level best to help . No pain is merciful , no help is helpful .

This sadness seems to be a personification of pain, just moving reluctantly but on a target,

Every viewer becomes gloomy , every listener misery, even then the helpers are on the job .

Wretched are these beings , tattered their cores , they seem synonyms hurt , who can forget ?  

Whosoever is there in  their pains , is really helpful , representing their own humanity’s knob . 

Persons are seen preparing photographs of such activities for their publicities , which is not good in taste . So many of these poor were hesitant in receiving such offerings just to avoid their photographs being published elsewhere . One  was even heard saying that please do not give anything if it is necessary to have its record and photographs etc. Even then many are helping . It is a good gesture on the part of people who donate anything to such dismayed human beings .

Help is available on every place , but it seems to be very small as compared to the calamity ,

Every one seems to be right , be he the helper or the sufferer , they help a lot . they suffer a lot .

Even then , we all have to continue our efforts , to win over the sufferings with all our able pity ,

Use all our skills to fight the cause , use all our capabilities to help the deprived , on every spot .    

Our Central as well as State Governments have arranged too much to help these panic travelers . It is in the shape of arranging various types of conveyance to them , food packets of various types and staying arrangements in transit . Too much is being done by the general public as well . People are guided not to move on foot , but to avail so provided modes of conveyances . Still a big crowd is seen on the roads . They are so motivated by some groups in the society to do so . They are also guided to avoid public conveyance to skip so many tests and formalities . Who is guiding all this , is not clear .

All possible is being done on the part of our Governments and relief is seen everywhere ,

When every types of conveyance is made available, please do not move on foot any more .

Stay where you are , inform to anyone anyhow , your food etc will be made available there ,

When any vehicle comes , use it and , reach your place in best possible way ,  late or before . 

Some suggestions were there to deploy Military Services to help these migrants , could not be materialized as the Governments were doing it themselves . More over this proposal could not get proper support or demand from masses . People were also seen unhappy due to so called unpleasant lock down and they were seen on the roads to demonstrate their displeasure with .One who does , then knows the hurdles and hazards involved there in . Very difficult time is this . We must remain positive , constructive , cooperative and united to bring out everything well from this calamity . 

Disasters are imposed on humanity , not only to trouble them but also to test their abilities,

How we deal with the calamities , is the main test of the nature on the entire human race .

Generally we come victorious with nominal losses on our life and other aspects of nobilities ,

And we are sure to win the present war against Corona , provided we strictly follow the brace .

Many are even trying to say it as a failure of implementation . The Genuine Errors of Judgments what they call , can be overlooked by most of the people . Unkindness is sometimes lamented by the criticizers , which can be supposed in any noble work on mass scale .  Every big task attracts so many good and bad . So many appreciations and criticisms . We all are one as a Nation . We all are brothers and sisters . We all are supposed to wipe tears of every eye of our country. 

Let us all come forward , let us become a force , let us form a group , to help them all,

Whatever be the situation , be we rich or poor , our thinking should be a help for them .

They are compelled by the situation to walk hungry and tired on the road , with zeal tall ,

Our brothers are they , eagerly optimistic about us all , their blood and soul are their helm .   


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